A not-for-profit charity supporting the Ethiopian Heritage Trust in Addis Ababa
The full amount you donate will be used in Ethiopia.
£10 will pay for two tree seedlings to be grown, planted and nurtured for 5 years.
£40 will pay for the growing, planting and care of 20 rosa abyssinica bushes (an indigenous Ethiopian rose).
£60 will help the establishment of an environmental club in a primary or secondary school.
£100 will help with the establishment of a new tree nursery on the slopes of Entoto.

Donate offline
By bank transfer please to:
Lloyds Treasurer’s Account: The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK), Sort Code 309192, Account Number 61464068
Please let us know at finance@ethiopianheritagetrustuk.org when you have made a payment; it helps us identify payments.
Alternatively you can pay by cheque made payable to The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK) and sent to;
12, The Glebe, Blackheath,
London SE3 9TG.
Gift Aid
We are registered with HMRC for Gift Aid. So if you are a British tax payer, please fill in the attached form and email it to us at finance@ethiopianheritagetrustuk.org