A not-for-profit charity supporting the Ethiopian Heritage Trust in Addis Ababa
Trees as a gift
As the greenest of gifts, why not give a friend or relative a present of indigenous trees to be planted in Ethiopia?
You can choose the species of tree you would like to give (please contact us at info@ethiopianheritagetrustuk.org) or simply leave the choice to the Trust Park Manager in Addis Ababa.
The choices are:
Acacia abyssinica
Cordia Africana
Olea Africana
Prunus africana
Ekebergia capensis
Podocarpus gracilior
The cost is £5 per tree which covers the growth, planting and care of the tree seedling for five years.
The planting season in Addis Ababa is July.

Donate offline
By bank transfer please to:
Lloyds Treasurer’s Account: The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK), Sort Code 309192, Account Number 61464068
Please let us know at finance@ethiopianheritagetrustuk.org when you have made a payment; it helps us identify payments.
Alternatively you can pay by cheque made payable to The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK) and sent to 12, The Glebe, Blackheath, London SE3 9TG.
Tell Us
Please send us an email giving details of how many trees you would like and which species (if you would like to choose).
If you would like us to send confirmation to the person you are giving the trees to then please give us his/her name and email address.
Gift Aid
We are registered with HMRC for Gift Aid. So if you are a British tax payer, please fill in the attached form and email it to us at finance@ethiopianheritagetrustuk.org